Saturday, April 28, 2012


                                                                                    WHAT’S NEXT???
                                     What comes to your mind when you think about Apple, Windows or Amazon???Definitely not the fruit or the huge river….
Ask 5 year olds what networking is,they will probably give you a better explanation than Ray Noorda. In today’s  techno world new-borns talk i-phones.  
The growth is absolutely phenominal. Our next generation know  all the Hi-tech  gadgets not as part of a technology but as a part of life.This generation has grown up without ever wondering where technology came from or how to use it. They are not considering technology to be magical. It is just there.They are born with it.
 That is why our generation talk about digital cameras; they just talk about taking a picture on the mobile.
  Our generation talk about taping things; they just TiVo.
  We talk about having to call someone; they Skype.
  We talk about sending a letter or email; they just text and message.
  We arrange a social evening in real worlds; they meet virtually.
The touch screens,ipads,laptops,mobiles,internet etc have changed our lives.
The new workforce use technology at home that is far better than the technology you give them at work, and telling this generation to use your office systems is a bit like trying to force them to wear an office uniform.It just doesn’t happen.
 Their systems are as personal to them as our clothes are to us.Now is the time for agile computing.

We attract technology in every mode of life.”Cyborgs” would be the right word to use.
Its not 3g anymore its 4g,its not face to face anymore its facebook.Humans and computers have had this wonderful win-win relationship.The enhancing is mutual.We have learned to co-exist .The right way of saying it would be that we have learned the comforts of not wanting to not co-exist.There is no doubt about the hundreds of advantages of todays technological growth.Man has reached the moon is an absolute understatement.”Man has landed on bacteria”would be the next big you may ask,well who knows.But I am sure we will figure it out just like we did with the rest.
Or is artificial intelligence  and robotics the next stop??
Anyone who wants to buy a new mobile phone today would probably look for features like Bluetooth,internet,camera,music players,push mail etc.But what will our future requirements be??would it be something like “If I want to have a shower,I should just press a button and the signals should be sent and I should be able to shower.”Well there is one thing I would like to ask people with such expectations “where do you think  the water will be stored??”.
But the question is where we are headed at??Has all the comforts that technology has blessed us with made us dull??lazy??dependent??We are so dependent on technology than our own brains.It is true that it is  man who has  developed  technology.But will our future be driven by technology and not by us??Just think about it…WHATS NEXT?

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